We were one of only four towns in Cornwall selected to participate and our board of volunteers all worked very hard to develop and submit an investment plan by January 2021. The Government approved eight of the nine projects included and an award of £23.7m in Town Deal funding was announced. Business plans have since been developed for each of the projects and work is now underway on bringing them to fruition.
The Towns Fund will invest £3.6 billion into over 100 towns, as part of the Government’s plan to level up our regions.
Home to some of the world’s most innovative businesses, greatest universities, scientists and entrepreneurs, the UK has one of the most dynamic, business-friendly economies in Europe.
For too long, however, the benefits of growth in many of our world-renowned cities has not been felt as strongly by communities in our towns and rural areas.
To address that imbalance, the Towns Fund was launched to help increase economic growth by focusing on regeneration, improved transport, better broadband connectivity, skills and culture.