Have your say

Posted in Uncategorised by Camborne Town Deal ON 2nd August 2022

People are being invited to come along and give their views on how the town centre can best be improved on Tuesday 9 August at the Contemporary Crafts Hub in the Donald Thomas Centre, Chapel Street, Camborne.

Running from 2pm to 6pm, the drop-in event will provide an opportunity to see which areas are being regenerated, chat to people from the Camborne Town Deal team and provide constructive feedback on the planning process. Design options will then be available for scrutiny at public consultations planned for the autumn.

“We’re hoping as many people as possible will come along so they can hear what’s been happening and give us their opinions on what is needed and how that should look,” said Val Dalley, Chair of the Camborne Town Deal Board.

“Regenerating the town centre will make a big difference to the lives of everyone who lives and works in Camborne and further events, focused on other Town Deal projects, will be held in the coming weeks.”

Running until March 2026, Town Deal funding will help to transform the appearance of the high street, develop a community and cultural hub, open up a network of cycleways, renovate the rugby ground, create new sports facilities, establish a world-class fibre park, facilitate food and farming enterprise and turn the town’s Donald Thomas Centre into a contemporary crafts hub. 

Official Government approval of the business cases so far submitted is expected in September, followed by the release of the first tranche of Town Deal funding in the early autumn.

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