We’re happy to share as much information as we can about the Camborne Town Deal process as it’s important for people to understand what’s happening. These are exciting times and we’re confident the eleven projects being developed will have a major impact on our town’s resources, appearance and prosperity.

Our Town Investment Plan

We were delighted to submit our Town Investment Plan for Camborne on Friday 29 January 2021. This was sent to government by Cornwall Council on our behalf, and was Camborne’s official bid for substantive improvements to revitalise our town.

Our bid was successful and £23.7m of government town deal funding was announced. Business plans for all projects have been officially approved and development is underway. Each project has its own lead and completion times will vary.

Unveiling the Camborne Town Deal Vision

In preparation for compiling our Town Investment Plan, our board developed a vision for how Camborne could be changed for the better.

Our Core Documents


The latest minutes and meeting agendas can be found on the Cornwall Council website